NF34J9151ANSJ3 NF34J9131AMSJ3 Compressors under improper application can not achieve good performance and long-life reliability. This application
guide provides the recommended handling techniques and requirements for application of SAMSUNG reciprocating
compressor in order to help achieving good performance and long-life reliability.
1. Usable Refrigerant
2. Starting condition
The LBP type compressors start at 85% of the nominal voltage.
- Equalized pressure up to 70psig(4.9kgf/㎠g) for R134a LBP compressors.
- Equalized pressure up to 40psig(2.8kgf/㎠g) for R600a LBP compressors.
The HBP type compressors start at 90% of the nominal voltage.
- Equalized pressure up to 90psig(6.3kgf/㎠g) for R134a HBP compressors.
Depending on the operating condition and system characteristics, compressors can be started at lower voltages.
3. Temperature and Pressure of cycle
The refrigerant system must be used within the temperature and pressure range as below table.
In case of LBP refrigerant system with R134a and R600a refrigerant gas
NF34J9151ANSJ3 NF34J9131AMSJ3